Holy Pilgrimage

Oriented by the mighty feats of those that made it to the Holy City,

the novice stood from afar and thought it is so easy to reach.

With a narrow path leading and bushes beside the way.

The thicket of the flesh rising to disguise the dangers beneath.

Brimming with so much energy and zeal, the journey begins

and an honest heart to buttress the pursuit of meaning.

The journey with no rests and breaks to visit the loved.

No time to celebrate achievements and trophies 

but leaving them behind is our best dance.

Set in place are invisible guardians that surround to protect.

Bonding from within is the Invincible one that gently guides 

and point the right directions to the City.

But the heart is left to be guarded by its bearer.

Help is sought from the mind to help look out for those 

that rob the innocent and assault the ignorant.

But the heart stood aghast as the mind introduces them to the bearer






Sexual, surnamed immorality

Blasphemy from the human philosophy clan

These are my friends and they will be dining with us.

In sadness and pain the heart cries out for help.

Creating a war in the bearer's temple

He sustains scars and patches of battle 

from cuts of distractions, persecutions and tribulations.

squeezing himself into a space of contemplation

To either surrender and return or press forward

"Why is all this happening to me?", the bearer cries out

The first and second came no answer

"It is all for your good and help" , his Counselor replied on the third time.

"You're not forsaken, keep moving forward", His Helper mounts up to console him.

"It is too hard", the bearer would complain every time.

Eventually realizing how strong he grew every time he overcame.

He resulted to Faith, Hope and Love as they proved greatly resourceful.

Whether or not he will reach the city, depends on his partnership with his Counselor.

Holy Pilgrimage                          Holy Pilgrimage Reviewed by El Roi on May 24, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. It's fantastic. I'm proud of you son

  2. Great piece. Please change the color of the texts so that reading can be a bit easy. The color is almost the same. God bless you.

  3. Wow such an amazing piece!
    Indeed whether or not we make it depends on our partnership with him....hallelujah🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


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