
Sitting down and reflecting on my life and ways,

I gazed at the mental imagery of my contemplation

And they signal me of the impulse that seems so sinister.

As pain squeezes every drop of emotion from me

through loss, betrayal, and suffering

Somehow a part of me seems to identify with it

And the other part could barely launch a protest

I know that in some parts of the world

Yang will reprimand and Yin will applaud

But deep down I am struggling with right and wrong

Good and bad are identical twins to me.

questioning the relevance of my existence.

I ask myself if I am a side effect of a primary origin?

Even the sermon preachers adjure us to walk in the correction of their mistakes,

as they forge the signature of the Spirit they lay claims of

under their testimony to endorse to all.

Forgetting the mistakes could be the same but our battles may be different.

Many a time, I bury myself in deep thoughts

Wondering what it means to truly live.

I want to live but what does that really mean?

Theories, philosophies, and concepts look like a worthy investment.

Some wise the wisdom of princes and thrones seem to present a fair argument.

It is usually easy to tell what should be right

and what is wrong but the means require me

to be used as a control experiment.

Often I stand in the temple as the one in white

But a tattered vest and underwear is what lies behind

I thought preaching it that way will make me contrite

Little did I know that it will increase my plight.

Contradictions diffusing in the nerves of my mind

But the excess thinking only turned me purblind

Am I truly living as a person?

or an organism waiting to be eaten as part of nature?

Am I just wasting my life with religiosity?

Or should I join the ride to also dazzle my body with pleasure?

Thinking it is worth it because we'll all die one day anyway.

What do I do to live?

The passing of time and its passivity of history

grims my fingers to unholiness as the culture of life

like the sharp canines of a lion gripping to the neck of its prey.

Yet the mystery of God clinches in me an undeniable conviction 

to seek the One I do not know, see or hear.

But somehow I feel Him calling me on a path of Truth

to show me what it really means to live.

L.I.V.E. L.I.V.E. Reviewed by El Roi on December 23, 2020 Rating: 5


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