The Minister's Portfolio

If only they cared

that we're only mere and weak men

In whom God saw someone great

to have a role in His destiny story

And with weak bodies and stunned lips we profoundly considered.

thereanent, we couldn't picture a happy ending

However, we accepted, casting the turnouts on Him.

If only they knew

that we're more vulnerable than we appear

Knowing our dignity is only captured in the frame of His purposes.

Unable to selfishly boast because His virtue is what becomes our integrity.

Our beauty is only painted when we follow His lead and speak His scripts.

when the delusion of the rebel's window opens in our minds

Destruction then waits to pick us up outside to our fraying destination.

If only they understood

that deep down we're afraid of it all

Not knowing when or where we might fall

Beseeming like a good time for an emergency call

Scurring for gatherings to find a reason not to

ran away from the inevitable questions and plunging answers.

"I know He is God but..." becomes our excusable statement to feel responsible.

Bonding ourselves to playing a role which is not ours.

If only they could see

that we feel so much, the pain of loss

pouring a libation of tears to compensate

the loss of a beloved, 

failure in prudent pursuits, 

piercing scorn and fierce contempt from family and friends. 

We feel it too and it really hurts so much

and yet we're bound by chains of prayer for them. 

If only they could reckon

that we care so much for them

Our entire life is a sacrifice for their liberation.

In return we're murdered with weapons of betrayal and dishonor

Making plans to elude the message of their salvation

Yet in love we pursue them even to our shame and death

And in the end, we fall into our long sleep with a smile of fulfillment on our faces.

El Roi©

The Minister's Portfolio The Minister's Portfolio Reviewed by El Roi on July 07, 2021 Rating: 5


  1. I guess there is a need to be responsible lest we regret the lives we lived


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