Mercy's Seat

The judge of all takes his seat in the midst of this heat
I am battling the accuser in the Lord’s court and his strategy is no mercy
I am at a disadvantage because the stage shows my weakness
I have stage freight because of the height of accusation
Could this be what the Hebrew writer meant when he said
“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD”.
His Spirit brought to my remembrance that He is a judge yet a loving Father
His love struck me hard and gave me strength, how contrasting this is.

He walks to me and says you have an advantage in my court.
Yes! Jesus my High Priest,
Yes! Jesus my advocate
Yes! Jesus my Propitiation
He says plead the blood of his Son
The Blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel.

With the guileless candour of a child,
I go before the throne of grace, and I mumble these words
Lord may I rest in the bowels of your mercy
God let your mercies perpetually rest on me.
His mercy became my strength and my weary bones began to rejoice.
As a sub-scribe of my master I have subscribed to the sure mercies of the YHVH.

Ato Brown©

Mercy's Seat Mercy's Seat Reviewed by El Roi on June 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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